Graffiti removal in Milwaukee , Wisconsin.
This is a graffiti removal job in Milwaukee ,WI. This Graffiti was tagged on a senior citizen rehab center. Some troubled human being was confused and thought they could claim this area as their own.
But the Staff at Mercy rehab decided to call us for the removal of the graffiti. Note this job took place in January on a 20 degree day .
As you can see we removed the graffiti with no problems and the wall looks great and the staff was very happy.
When it comes to graffiti removal you must get the paint off the surface as soon as possible for two reasons.
#1 . The longer the graffiti stays on the surface the tougher it is to completely remove the graffiti and restore the surface. This varies on the type of surface that was tagged.
#2. The other top reason to remove the graffiti is so other gangs do not tag over the graffiti. This happens very often, the reason gangs use graffiti is to claim territory. This is why other gangs will spray graffiti over the old graffiti.
Either way this is something that happens every day. And the only way to solve the problem is to remove it. So if you have any questions about price or if your graffiti problem can be removed please give us a call for a free estimate.
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